Monday, February 11, 2013

Jean Piaget

                                                                Jean Piaget

What is intelligence? It is impossible  to  give an exact definition but experts have a variable opinion of it . Jean Piaget made a systematic study of  Intelligence in a child & cognitive development. He describes  there is a growing structure from childhood to adolescence & has a different cognitive abilities.  He was employed at the Binet Institute in the 1920s to develop french version of the question on the English intelligence test. His job was to discover  at what stage child could answer these questions correctly. But he discovered the wrong answers children gave has a logical pattern.These logical patterns of thinking made him to believe that there are significant differences between the point of view of  adults and children.
Jean Piaget(1896-1980), a Swiss scientist who originally studied Molluscs. The short notice he wrote about Albino Sparrow at age 11 made a great scientific career of over sixty books and several hundred articles. He obtains a P.H.D at university of Nchatel. Before Piaget, supposition of psychology was children thinking pattern same as adults & they all had an identical theory of development regardless of age.  They believed "child is a small adult" and the perspective about the environment (the world) was same among children and adults . Piaget's question was how does knowledge grow. Primarily he observed his own three children & later other children such as his friends & families. He has recorded their intellectual development from infancy to language. According to him there was a reorganizing mental process due to the environment and biological maturation experiences. He explained these patterns cognitively develop and has a flexibility. Intelligence grows when these patterns called schema become complex and expand. Result of  Biological development and social development, experiences of the external environment and maturation of the child, develop the quantity and quality of intelligence. Moreover he described  intelligence has a  two basic which are biological and logical. It's begins with a biological background and  continuous interaction with environment build a logical thinking pattern. Maturation and the movements with environment build a deep cognitive development.
Piaget theory of Cognitive express child development is the interaction between a child and the environment. Every child has periods of cognitive development without any cultural effect  & every period has a progress of early stage. Children have a unique pattern of developing these stages. But the age to start these periods differ from each other. In his research at Binet institute he realized one age group has same wrong answers. Then he stated we need to worry about the quality of child intelligence instead of how many questions he answered. They have their own logical patterns of solving problems. His research pattern differed from others, instead of  researching preset  hypothesis he observed the natural behavior and asked open questions. It is concerned about children rather than all learners.
There are three basic components to this theory
·         Schemas
·         Adaptation , Assimilation, Accommodation
·         Stages of  Development

Piaget called the schemas the basic building block of intelligent behavior. It is a linked  mental demonstration  of the world. It is controlled External behaviors and thinking pattern. New born baby has a some natural talent to solve some problems. These interaction happened due to an external environmental behavior. Respond to these circumstances  build a unit of knowledge. This is a process of developing schemas. The first stage of the schema is an individual unit of knowledge. Ex: Schema of sucking milk. By progressing this action permanent the schema in his mind. Then the child could find what is the difference between sucking other object such as a finger or bottle nipple. Now he knows the difference between object. In second level child identify which one is taste better. In third stage different schemas now set together. This is a special development of  the Schema. Now he identifies the bottle and has a knowledge how to hold it and drink it. Three Schemas put together. Repeating these activities build intelligence & expand it to other activities. This is cognitive development.
Adaptation, Assimilation and Accommodation.
Once the child had a new experience he coordinated his schema with the previous one. If it is close to the previous schema he assimilates new schema. Assimilation refers to using existing mental patterns in new situations. Ex: Child has a schema of a Monkey and once he saw a gorilla he realized this is a Monkey but a mother can  describes he is a gorilla little different than Monkey. Teaching them help to develop new schemas. In Accommodation, Existing ideas modified to fit the new requirements. Equilibrium occurs when a child's schema can deal with the most new information though assimilation.

Stages of Development
·         The Sensorimotor Stage (0-2 Years)
At this stage intellectual development will be largely nonverbal.Infants leaning to coordinate her movements with information from their sense.Also object permanence ,understating that object continue to exist when they are out if sight.Child formation are becoming more stable at this stage.
·         The Preoperational Stage (2-7 Years)
 During this stage children begin to think symbolically and use language. But still his thinking is intuitive. Children think magically and poetically. The child is quite egocentric.
·         The Concrete Operational Stage (7-11Years)
 The important development during this stage is mastery of conservation. Children understand and apply logical operations or principles. They begin to use the concept of time,space and number. They have an ability to reverse thought or mental operations.
·         The formal operational Stage (11years and up)
Children begin to break away from concrete objects and specific examples.Thinking is based on "democracy"," honor" or "correlation".This can think about their thought & become less egocentric.They can think about hypothetical possibilities.
Today Piaget theory using for most educational institutions. His theory guide to a parent not to force the child since there are specific stages of development. Piaget has been widely influenced in developing educational policy and Teaching. As an example- According to the publication of the Plowden report(1967) a review of primary education by the UK government in 1966 was based strongly on the theory. There are some weaknesses in his theory such as stages , an age group which are not described by other theorist. The concept of every child develops in a same order regardless of cultural setting (social setting).
His research method more open to have false factors. His researches based on a few participations such as his three infants.
Today Piaget theory help to determine how children think. But  Piaget underestimate infant's thinking pattern. There is a gap between Piaget theory and present learning theories. Some children answered questions correctly before the period he explain. This because of the environment where the child lives. Infant also can understand , memorized certain concept & people.Anyhow Piaget cognitive theory highly influence to change the assumption  of children's thinking pattern. Child is not a small adult anymore.

Ginsburg H.G.A Sylvia -Piaget's theory of Intellectual development,Englewood Cliffs-Prantice Hall 1963
Coon Dennis -Psychology a modular approach to mind and behavior 2006
 McLeod, S. A. (2009). Jean Piaget | Cognitive Stages of Development. Retrieved  from

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